
Scheduled Events:

  • Study Information Days: 5.-7.03.24, Audimax Kiel
    Exact times will soon be published on the CAU website

You find more detailed information under ‘Events’.

First semester events Physics of the Earth System

  • Going around Kiel
  • Official Welcoming
  • First semester excursion to Maasholm

First semester events Climate Physics

  • Official Welcoming
  • Barbeque right after the meeting at the University Campus

Master Geophysics

  • Semester premeeting
  • Barbecue right after the meeting in front of the building

Information regarding the outbreak of COVID-19:

Dear all, due to the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19, the life at university (and in general) faces some drastic changes. If you want to stay up to date, you can find information here: