GEOMAR Infocentre:
Application information/for first-year students:
- B.Sc. Physics of the Earth System: Meteorology – Oceanography – Geophysics:
- M.Sc. Geophysics:
- M.Sc. Climate Physics:
- (german, for English information see GEOMAR homepage)
- M.Sc. Biological Oceanography:
- (german, for English information see GEOMAR homepage)
Examination offices:
- Physik des Erdsystems, Geophysik, Climate Physics:
- Biological Oceanography:
Interdisciplenary study programs:
- Ocean Education Initiative:
Information for bachelor thesis:
- unfortunatly only in german
- Guide and application form below right
Food, social services and counselling:
- Studentenwerk SH:
- Social counselling and psychological counselling:
Student representatives:
- General Student Committee (AStA)
- Student Council Conference (FVK):
- Student Parlament:
- Student Elections:
- Semesterticket:
Books and Software:
- Computing centre:
- Springerlink:
- via the Uninetz [CAUx-WLAN or VPN] some books are available here as e-books for free
- GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research:
- Institute for Geosciences:
- Institute for experimental and applied physics:
- Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics:
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Federal Student Council Meetings:
- StuMeTa (Student Meteorologists Conference):
- GAP (Geophysikalisches Aktionsprogramm):
- Jobwall Career-Center (CAU):
- CAU International Center: